Questo sito non comprende annotazioni di parte, salvo quella che introduce "Economia",  le "Lettere allo storico dell'economia Stefano Baietti" e le relazioni pubblicate e firmate. Esso raccoglie soltanto alcuni contenuti desunti dal web e dalla carta stampata, che riguardano l'attività e le opere di Giancarlo Pallavicini, e costituisce altresì uno strumento di comunicazione e contatto.

by Giancarlo Pallavicini



Learn and talk about Italian economists 




Giancarlo Pallavicini (Desio, February 12, 1931) is an economist, academic, Italian writer and journalist, adviser to the Soviet Government at the time of Gorbachev's Perestroika and member of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation.[1]

In the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s is active in Banca Cariplo and as a university professor, writer and journalist of economics columnist for "The Sun", then "Il Sole 24 Ore", in 1980 he was appointed chief consultant to financial institutions and governments, organization of the United Nations and businesses, strategy and finance, in 1990 and 2000 he became president of academic science and international organizations of science and culture.

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Learn and talk about Italian economists 




Giancarlo Pallavicini (Desio, February 12, 1931) is an economist, academic, Italian writer and journalist, adviser to the Soviet Government at the time of Gorbachev's Perestroika and member of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation.[1]

In the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s is active in Banca Cariplo and as a university professor, writer and journalist of economics columnist for "The Sun", then "Il Sole 24 Ore", in 1980 he was appointed chief consultant to financial institutions and governments, organization of the United Nations and businesses, strategy and finance, in 1990 and 2000 he became president of academic science and international organizations of science and culture.

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